Sarah Thompson
PB Lawyer & PB Consultant

Sarah has more than 12 years experience working in London as an in-house solicitor in a global financial services organisation, Zurich Insurance plc. She specialised in insurance sales and distribution, insurance regulation and competition law across Zurich’s retail, commercial, global corporate and municipal businesses. She was also involved in advising on privacy issues and the introduction of the GDPR.


During her time at Zurich, Sarah managed a Competition Act investigation by the UK’s Office of Fair Trading into a market intelligence software tool used in the personal lines motor insurance market. She worked closely with her European colleagues to design and implement competition law compliance programs and training for Zurich’s businesses. She was also responsible for drafting and negotiating complex distribution agreements with banks, insurance brokers and other distribution partners and advising on associated broker remuneration issues and conflicts of interest.

As part of working in a large in-house team, Sarah has experience in legal operations and risk management. She designed the legal risk management framework at Zurich Insurance in order to identify, track and report on legal risks.

Prior to moving to the UK, Sarah qualified as a solicitor in Australia and worked for a number of firms, including Baker McKenzie in Melbourne. Sarah also spent a year working for the Australian Securities & Investments Commission where she advised on allegations of market misconduct.
Since moving back to Adelaide at the end of 2017, Sarah has worked as part of the Peripheral Blue team advising on commercial contracts, privacy and sales and distribution matters and has also worked as part of a number of clients’ in-house legal teams.


Bachelor of Arts (Economics), Flinders University of South Australia (2001)
Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Hons), Flinders University of South Australia (2002)
Admitted to the Supreme Court of South Australia (October 2002)
Admitted to the High Court and Federal Court of Australia (December 2002)
Admitted to the Supreme Courts of England and Wales (December 2007)

Industry Experience

General insurance (Retail & Commercial)
Financial Services


Travel & Transport

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1300 774 788
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1300 774 788

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