Accessibility and affordability
NewLaw offers businesses a way of accessing the broad range of legal services and advice they require, more affordably and more openly than they’ve been able to historically. A NewLaw firm like Peripheral Blue may opt out of expensive office and remove high partner profit shares, for example, to keep overheads – and costs – low. Alternative fee structures promise commercially-savvy clients better value and greater efficiency. NewLaw firms can also further demonstrate their agility and flexibility by customising solutions to meet clients’ needs.Harnessing tech to deliver for clients
Evolving communication tools and new technological developments give lawyers greater flexibility in how they provide services. An investment in technology such as cloud-based computing and team-based workflow applications, for example, enable NewLaw firms to improve communications with each other (and clients) and streamline practice management, resulting in a better experience for everyone.Client comes first
By drawing the client into the centre of the client-advisor dynamic, and by placing a premium on building long-term relationships (over maximising hours spent on a matter, for instance), the work is far more rewarding for staff, and produces more effective long-term outcomes and cost-saving for clients – again, everybody benefits. It’s clear that this model of both internal and external collaboration, which relies on inclusivity and transparency, results in the provision of a better, more holistic service.Improving lawyers’ wellbeing
The traditional way of operating has not been great for lawyers, either. A 2015 study by Dr Rebecca Michalak showed that lawyers have the lowest overall health and wellbeing of all professions! NewLaw has done away with the immense ‘billable hours’ pressure felt by lawyers in the past, focusing instead of flexible working arrangements and giving lawyers a greater sense of autonomy over how they deliver exceptional service to clients. That they will be personally motivated – and professionally committed – to work hard to achieve exceptional outcomes for their clients, is a given. But NewLaw gives lawyers a greater freedom and ability than ever before to practice law on their own terms. At the same time as it promises to improve the experience for business, NewLaw’s fresh approach and flexible outlook has been mirrored in the changing roles of legal practitioners themselves, which is great for lawyers, clients, and the industry itself.Products & Services
1300 774 788
Suite 17, 116-120 Melbourne St, Nth Adelaide, SA 5006
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Products & Services
1300 774 788
Suite 17, 116-120 Melbourne St, Nth Adelaide, SA 5006
© 2023 Peripheral Blue | All Rights Reserved
ABN 61855198272